Two updates to this story…
The one is that I managed to get entities (or as AWS Les refers to it, Slots) working contextually. I took cities, and gave it a Slot Type of Amazon European City. From here I could enter other City names, non-European and very unknown. Even fictitious names; and Lex could determine the name purely from context; even though the city name was not in Europe.
Below is my slot configuration.
Below is the code from an updated Lamda function in Python 3.8 performing the following:
- Setting two session attributes
- Catching the entity and the intent and return it in a message.
This code can serve as a basic framework for you to build out your integration and add intelligence, checks and advanced dialog management.
def lambda_handler(event, context):
entity = event["currentIntent"]["slots"]["Name"].title()
intent = event["currentIntent"]["name"]
response = {
"sessionAttributes": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
"content": "The intent you are in now is "+intent+"! And the entity is "+entity+"!"
return response